Tourism and Events Information for Victoria’s tourism industry

Economic data

Discover key statistics about the value of tourism’s contribution to Victoria’s economy, as well as tourism business counts, investment, and accommodation data.

Value of tourism to Victoria

The latest Tourism Research Australia State Tourism Satellite Account data for the year ending June 2023 (released in April 2024).

Tourism makes a valuable contribution to Victoria’s economy. Here are the latest economic estimates for 2022-23 from the State Tourism Satellite Account.

In 2022-23:

  • Victoria’s tourism industry generated $28.2 billion (directly and indirectly) in gross state product, accounting for 5% of the state’s economy. A 78.5% increase compared to 2021-22.
  • Tourism in Victoria generated 257,500 filled jobs, equating to 6.5% of total filled jobs in the state.
  • Tourism filled jobs in Victoria increased by 61.6% compared to 2021-22 estimates.

Value of tourism to Victoria and its regions

The latest Tourism Research Australia Regional Tourism Satellite Account data is for the year ending June 2023 (updated release on 9 August 2024). The following summary highlights the economic contribution of tourism to Victoria and tourism regions.

Want to deep dive into the data? Check out our interactive dashboard below.

Economic data dashboard

Explore further information on the value of tourism to Victoria and its tourism regions.

Due care is taken in the production of this information. However, DJSIR accepts no responsibility for the use of this data. Figures may not add due to rounding.

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Find out more at Tourism Research Australia.

Tourist accommodation

In 2022-23 Victoria’s accommodation sector (properties with 10+ rooms) recorded:

  • $3.3 billion in total revenue
  • 14.6 million room nights occupied
  • 65.9% average occupancy rate.

Find out more in the summary, including results by accommodation category and for Melbourne.

For more information, including how to purchase more detailed results, visit STR.

Tourism investment monitor for Victoria

In 2022-23 the tourism investment pipeline in Victoria was $15.6 billion for projects worth $20 million or more, representing 28% of the value for Australia.

Projects in Melbourne represent 45% of the value of the tourism investment pipeline in Victoria, with regional Victoria representing 55%. This consisted of 48 projects in Victoria, with an estimated 4,500 new accommodation rooms.

The pipeline projects are broken down into 3 key tourism sectors. These include projects that are in the proposed, planning or construction phases.


In 2022-23, projects in the Victorian aviation sector were valued at $9.4 billion.

  • 26% were in Melbourne and 74% in regional Victoria.
  • Aviation projects represented 60% of the tourism investment pipeline projects.

Arts, recreation and business services

Projects in the Victorian arts, recreation and business services sector were valued at $3.4 billion during the 2022-23 tourism investment pipeline.

  • 79% was invested in Melbourne and 21% in regional Victoria.
  • These projects represented 21% of tourism investment pipeline projects.


Projects in the accommodation sector were valued at $2.9 billion.

  • 66% were in Melbourne and 34% in regional Victoria.
  • Accommodation projects represented 18% of the tourism investment pipeline projects.

Mixed-use accommodation

The tourism investment pipeline excludes mixed-use projects as it combines tourism and non-tourism components, such as residential housing or office/retail space.

In 2022-23 mixed-use pipeline projects in Victoria were worth $21.6 billion. This consisted of 44 projects with an estimated 7,200 new rooms.

For the detailed report, visit Tourism Research Australia.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list of current or potential development projects and does not account for all tourism investments.

Source: 2022-23 Tourism Investment Monitor, Tourism Research Australia, released in February 2024.

Tourism business counts

The latest Tourism Businesses in Australia report show that in June 2023 there were:

  • 109,595 tourism businesses that comprised 15% of all businesses in Victoria.
  • 79,993 tourism businesses in Melbourne which accounted for 73% of all tourism business in Victoria.
  • 29,602 tourism businesses in regional Victoria which accounted for 27% of all tourism business in Victoria.

Of all tourism businesses in Victoria in June 2023:

  • 96% employed fewer than 20 persons
  • 52% were non-employing
  • 42% were from the retail trade industry
  • 24% were from the cafes, restaurants and takeaway food service industry.

For the detailed national report visit Tourism Research Australia

Page last updated: 09 Aug 2024
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