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Regional Victoria’s tourism results
Find out more about the number of domestic overnight and daytrip visitors and spend to / within regional Victoria and explore data by tourism region using the interactive map.
Domestic tourism
Here are the key results for the year ending September 2024 (released 18 December 2024).
Domestic spend
- $15.5 billion in total domestic spend in regional Victoria (including daytrip and overnight), down 4% on the year ending September 2023.
- Total domestic spend in regional Victoria was 41% above the year ending September 2019.
- Total domestic spend in regional Victoria comprised of $10.4 billion in domestic overnight spend and $5.0 billion in domestic daytrip spend.
Domestic visitors
- 55.6 million total domestic visitors to/within regional Victoria, down 2% year-on-year.
- Total domestic visitors to/within regional Victoria were back to 93% of the year ending September 2019 result.
- Total domestic visitors to/within regional Victoria comprised of 19.2 million domestic overnight visitors and 36.4 million domestic daytrip visitors.
Next National Visitor Survey release will be 26 March 2025 (to be confirmed).
Explore data on visitors to/within Victoria's regions including how much they spend and how long they stay.
Find out more at Tourism Research Australia.
Interactive regional data map
Explore the latest domestic data (overnight and daytrip combined) for Victoria’s tourism regions in the map below. Data is available to filter by spend, visitors and nights.
Regional boundary definitions
Data is typically provided for Victoria's 12 tourism regions including Melbourne.
Some larger tourism regions also contain sub-regions. Each tourism region or sub-region is constructed using smaller geographical building blocks called Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
A map of Victoria’s sub-regions is available at Tourism Research Australia.
Understanding regional dispersal
Tourism Research Australia, in partnership with tourism organisations from every state and territory, commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to examine how to encourage the geographic dispersal of leisure visitors beyond our capital cities and major gateways.
For more information or a copy of this report, please contact research@ecodev.vic.gov.au