Tourism and Events Information for Victoria’s tourism industry

Accessible tourism

Supporting the development of inclusive experiences to be enjoyed by all.

We’re supporting the development of inclusive experiences in the Victorian visitor economy. We want to make sure that the state’s tourism destinations and events can be enjoyed by all visitors and participants.

By delivering world-class accessible experiences, tourism operators can welcome more people, bringing more jobs and economic benefits to local communities. They can also help to demonstrate Victoria’s leadership in inclusion and accessible tourism.

Making your tourism business more accessible does not necessarily require expensive infrastructure upgrades. Staff training, customer service, or providing more information such as videos and floor plans on your website, can be easy ways to start.

There are resources available to support the Victorian tourism industry to become more accessible and inclusive.

The WELCOME Framework

The WELCOME Framework is a guide to help tourism businesses to become more accessible. It was produced by Austrade in collaboration with state and territory governments.

The framework highlights easy ways to improve the customer experience for all travellers.

These include:

  • updating your website to include clear information on your business’s existing accessible features
  • improving lighting and clearing pathways of obstructions
  • empowering staff to offer a warm welcome to all visitors.

For more information and tips visit Austrade.

Universal Design

Universal design is a design philosophy that ensures that products, buildings, environments, programs, services and experiences are innately accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of age, disability, cultural background or any other differentiating factors.

Victorian Government Universal Design Policy

The purpose of Victoria’s Universal Design Policy is to support Victorian Government departments, agencies and delivery partners to incorporate universal design principles consistently across infrastructure projects. This policy provides guidance on how Victorian Government funded infrastructure can be designed and delivered to advance universal design principles and goals.

Universal design in action: Changing Places

Changing Places facilities are larger than standard accessible toilets, with extra features and more space to meet the needs of people with disability and their carers. Each facility has a height adjustable, adult-sized changing bench, a tracking hoist system, and space for two people either side of a peninsula toilet.

Changing Places are a key component of Victoria’s Universal Design approach to ensure the built environment is accessible for all Victorians and so far, 70 Changing Places have been funded across Victoria.

Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022-2026

Inclusive Victoria is Victoria’s plan to make the state’s services, spaces, and communities more inclusive and accessible. Accessible parks and tourism is identified as a priority area in the plan, which includes a commitment to support and promote accessible tourism to businesses across Victoria.

Visit the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing website to download Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022-2026

Disability action plans

Many of Victoria’s tourist attractions have disability action plans (DAPs).

DAPs can identify actions to remove barriers for people with disability in relation to physical access, employment, participation, and attitudinal barriers. DAPs can also help embed universal design approaches into your planning.

Section 38 of the Victorian Disability Act 2006 outlines the legal requirements to develop DAPs.

Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010

These Acts protect people with disability from discrimination and legislate that reasonable adjustments are made to reduce barriers for people with disability.

For more information about the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act, visit the Australian Human Rights Commission website.

For more information about the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act, visit the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety website.

Resources and additional information

Find out about accessible tourism and general resources about disability access and inclusion.

Page last updated: 27 May 2024
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